October 3, 2011

The Back Burner.

My poor blog. I did not forget about it. I think of it often. And I miss staying up until 3 am uploading pictures and rambling on it. However I had to take a short hiatus from my daily posts to attend to a life in transition and a new fall schedule. My blog "to do list" is about 4 college ruled pages long at this point and I am itching to start crossing things off one by one. Ive accumulated over a months worth of outfit pictures, collages, and updates. I need to get a few more life matters squared away this week and I should be back like a bad habit. There are a few quick things I would like to share while I have a minute:
A very driven, creative, gracious, and good-humored friend of mine who has been working in advertising for several years in Raleigh recently relocated to NYC and started a blog to document the fun and exciting life that can only be experienced as a New Yorker. She has great taste, lives a very healthy lifestyle, and is the loving mama of a sweet Yorkie named Gwyneth. Her blog includes healthy but delicious recipes that are souper dee duper easy,
healthy bean salad
her adventures in DIY-ing just about anything she finds while "dumpster diving,"
a recent DIY project
and daily doses of inspiration. She's got lots of pictures of her fab apartment and keeps readers posted on the transformation of her "house" into a home.
her living room

view from her Manhattan apartment
Definitely check out her blog- she's one to follow fer shur.

In my most recent post I asked anyone who was sweet with a minute to spare if they would take it and "like" a picture I submitted to Rent the Runway for a Facebook contest. There was no over the top cash prize or shiny golden trophy for winning, but this is a website I love- so being noticed by them was enough fulfillment for me. Like I said before, I wasn't expecting anything to happen. But I was overwhelmingly supported by my facebook friends and family along with lots of gracious strangers and on Friday morning I woke up to my picture as the profile of RTR's fan page and a sweet note about me on their blog. Most people would probably think "Oh, cool I won." But I was like-" !@#$!@%$&# YEAH!!!!!!!!!" And did the Dougie. So thank you, thank you, thank you if you gave me a "thumbs up" in the contest. I've never won anything before so it really made my day. Really.

3. A Few of My Favorite Things
This one dress has three of my favorite things built right in. Sequins, a bow, and a collar. Oh yeah and it was $34. IT. WAS. $34 DOLLARS. Hi, No Brainer- I'm Bethany. Nice to meet you.
Sequin Bow Dress LA POUBELLE VINTAGE on Etsy
I hope to get back to my regular blogging routine bright and early Monday morning! I love you madly!

"Don't exchange what you want most for what you want at the moment." - Lynn Greenling

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