February 23, 2012

buckle up.

So, I've been holding out on sharing my strange love for these barbaric belts for a little while because sometimes I think that advocating something too far fetched will result in y'all questioning my lack of judgement. But what is the point of having this outlet if not to project onto you innocent bystanders my deepest fashion dreams and desires?? Enter....the harness belt.
ASOS belt $28.65
ASOS Studded Belt $71.62
 I know there's something medieval and almost tortuous looking about it, but I was instantly drawn. I will admit, the first couple options are a little extreme, and you'd probably spend more time explaining rather than enjoying yourself at whatever fĂȘte you chose to don one of these to, but I think the waist-to-hip version below is super flattering and could work in several different ways.
ASOS 3 Strap Harness Belt $32.23
I'm going to try this blush colored three strap belt first to get my feet wet. And if you never see me again it's because I was mistaken for an extra from the sequel to 300 (which I'm sure would be aptly titled "301") and was shipped back to set.


  1. I LOVE ASOS! I've never noticed this harness belt before but I love it! Great post.
