February 8, 2012

DIY Decor

I'm still amidst the closet update, but definitely making progress. In addition to the wall to wall shelf/desk we just installed, I've started to compile a few somethings that will find their home on it.
But like usual, I want MORE, MORE, MORE! So I got out the glue gun & made a couple of decorations. Alas, I've finally moved on from plastering sequins and glitter all over everything. My new favorite embellishments are POM POMS. I've added them to a few articles of clothing, but I want them hanging from the freaking rafters. So I put some on a frame. Instantly it becomes....well, Pommier. GOOOO TEAM!

The second project is inspired by these brass spiked wall tchochkes from a home decor website I adore called Zhush (if you click this link, I guarantee you'll spend the next half hour on the site). 
They're not at all unreasonably priced- they range from only $35-$55, but I figured I could make something similar myself.


  1. first of all, I can't believe you put a DIY desk in your closet, such a good idea. second of all, stop using L's and H's coloring book pages to protect your new desk from DIY projects, I'm sure they don't appreciate it.
