July 26, 2012

Clear Copy

Don't hate me y'all, but I had to get some wannabe Un Bout Louboutins, which sold out almost as soon as they became available. My ebay efforts have proven fruitless as everyone is selling them for twice the original price. My infatuation has nothing to do with the red sole, so I feel absolved of bootlegging because I truly just love the look. Besides, if every company and their mom can knock off the J.Crew bubble necklace, I should be able to get away with these. #sorryimnotsorry
Cap Toe Transparent Ankle Strap Heels


  1. haha! I love your hash tag. Those are pretty good copies. There are so many shoes I want right now I can't even take it!!! xoox

  2. Ahhh I've been wanting these. Did you get the neon or the black?

  3. Those are good looking wannabe!!! I might get one :D

    Smile On:)...Classy Pam


  4. You are ridiculous and crack me up!! These are pretty dang close to the real thing :)
