January 21, 2013

label love: three floor

In 2012 I discovered Three Floor and am hashtag de.vot.ed to the line. I wore a glitzy gold piece for Christmas and my beloved nude & neon number for New Years (holy, n x 4). Their Spring line is available, now WTF am I going to do with myself? 

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."- Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. LOL...you crack me up. thanks for introducing me to this line. i absolutely love it!!!

    xoxo, jenn
    the stylish housewife

  2. i want the pink AND orange numbers please.

  3. i totally get the obsession... its rubbing off on me now too!

  4. I feel your pain! I can't stop buying their dresses. #itslove
