August 25, 2010

B is for Bandwagon?

After a few years of being skeptical and derisive about the trend that is blogging, a few failed attempts at creating one of my own, recent inspiration from a couple of friends, and my dad's generous gift of a brand new laptop, I - Bethany Jane Foster Diffey the XIV (jk, it's just Bethany Jane Diffey) have decided to delve into the world of online diary keeping in hopes that someone out there in cyber space may find my day to day happenings worth reading about. Hence, I am jumping on the Blogging Bandwagon! May God have mercy on your souls. Okay let's get right in to my very first post ever.... This morning I consulted with a girlfriend of mine (who has a great blog of her own) on how to get one of these bad boys up and running, and one of the first things she asked me was obviously, "what are you going to call it??" She threw out a couple of ideas and I mulled over dozens in my head throughout the day, but nothing seemed to strike me as "THE ONE." I eventually decided to go with this because I knew if I didn't try to get started tonight with at least something as a title, I would end up turning on Keeping up with the Kardashians and well, that would be the end of that. Long story short, my blog will tentatively be called "the B word," but is subject to change. I thought about having a couple different blogs, one for each of my respective interests/ opinions, but after seeing how much effort goes into just trying to get a background on the damn thing, me, myself, and I have decided that I would be better off just managing one site with more or less unrelated information on it. (I.E. Subjects may include but are not limited to; my favorite places to shop on a budget, updates on my girls, the deep feelings I have for certain clothes, pictures of me crying when I can not have those clothes, realizations and conclusions I have come to after years of self reflection and analyzation, songs that are my jaaam piece, how handsome I think Alex is, the desperate need I feel to visit a Romanian orphanage and adopt, CHANDELIERS, recipes that I've pulled off, pictures from nights when I socialize with people over 22 months old, rants on how uncomfortable I am around some of the people who frequent Wal-Mart, and the plans I have for decorating our house. Oh yeah, and I will always have a "quote of the day," which will most likely have nothing to do with what I'm posting. On that note, here is today's:


1 comment:

  1. I adore this blog, and will be following it big time!! So glad I helped convince you!! Now post some pictures of the princesses asap!
