Whenever I enter Barnes & Noble, front and center- there is always a
huge, unavoidable display featuring low-cal recipe material & diet paraphernalia. Apparently, even my neighborhood bookstore wants me to stop being such a fatty. Get with the program, Bethany! Before long I'm going start getting smoke signals: S-T-O-P---E-A-T-I-N-G---C-R-E-A-M---

C-H-E-E-S-E---I-C-I-N-G ---E-V-E-R-Y ---N-I-G-H-T---B-E-F-O-R-E---B-E-D. There is one series of books in particular which I always notice, entitled:
EAT THIS, NOT THAT. I'm sure you've seen it. It's a small paperback filled with lower calorie options for everyday food.
"Thousands of Simple Food Swaps that Can Save You 10, 20, 30 Pounds--or More!" This book exemplifies the same mentality about food that I do about clothes. My slogan can be-
"Buy this, not that!": Hundreds of Clothing Swaps that Can Save You 10, 20, hell...3,000 Dollars- OR MORE!" I truly don't even have to
look for less expensive versions of pricier trends, I just constantly stumble upon them. I'm always utilizing my mouse and right-clicking to save these kinds of finds. I have decided to devote every Thursday's post to this concept. From now on, I shall call it "THIS NOT THAT THURSDAY." Today I'll focus on a couple of looks I like..tassels, colorbock, snakeskin, and perforated leather. You could take a Caribbean vacation with the money you'd save.
So, we've all seen these Jimmy Choo's. They've been around for a while, but they haven't gotten any uglier. Or cheaper...
JIMMY CHOO "Private" Heels $950 |
Are you not trying to spend a grand on some kicks today? Don't you worry (I'm sure you're not), my buddy ASOS has a comparable look for a fraction of the price.
LULU'S Pink Color Block Dress $37 |
DIEPPA RESTREPO Tassel Loafers $288 |
SEWSOUK Moroccan Silk Tassel Belt $6
SIX DOLLARS!!! And there are several other colors. Holler if you hear me. |
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
I love this post! so helpful! i even like some of the cheaper versions more!