July 12, 2011

Just call me Warren Buffett

How do I put this? I don't know anything about "money." Like, at all. I've overdrawn my bank account more times than I can count, I wouldn't know what a hedge fund was if it bit me in the ass, I thought Warren Buffet sang "Cheeseburger in Paradise," and I didn't pay my taxes for three years in a row. (Don't worry, the IRS knows and I have been dealt with....). However, opposites attract and I found husband who majored in finance and spends just as much time managing his brokerage accounts, playing on E-Trade, and supervising his IRA's as he does on ESPN.com (which is a lot of time). Since we have joined forces, he has made every financial decision for our family, because we both know full well that I would single-handedly run us into bankruptcy. Recently though, he suggested I buy stock! He said, "think about a company that you see doing well in the future or staying consistent and not plummeting." So I said,"Colgate-Palmolive! Because everyone has to brush their teeth and wash their hands!" He looked at me like, ummmm okay....? And then told me he meant one of the stores I like to shop at, or one of their parent companies. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He wanted me to invest in clothes?? Hollaaaa. The first store I mentioned was ASOS (because if you haven't noticed, it's one of the only places I shop and I check it more then Facebook and my email combined). I found out two things as we investigated it's history- 1. the acronym stands for As Seen On Screen and 2. their shares have literally skyrocketed over the last 5 years. So with little encouragement, he agreed to invest. I informed him that while I may not know jack about the market, I do know that you have to support your investments by buying their products. So I happily added this list of goods to my cart in an attempt to boost our already thriving share. Because hey, it takes money to make money...

"Give me the luxuries of life & I will willingly do without the necessities." -Frank Lloyd Wright

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