August 8, 2011

I made these and so can Miu.

I found myself in the same predicament with these Miu Miu heels as I did with the Eleven Objects Collar.
MIU MIU Glitter and Suede Booties $890
I MUST HAVE THEM meets THERE IS NO WAY IN H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS I'M SPENDING THAT KIND OF MOOLAH. I struggled with these- should I wait until they go on sale? Should I check and see if they're on Ebay already?? Should I print out a picture of them to carry in my wallet so I can look at it and ponder what could have been?? Shoes are a little different than a shirt collar, because, well...I don't know how to make shoes.  But I realized I have a pair in a similar style that were not only cheap, but have been worn a million times over the last three years- making them the perfect sacrificial lamb. Not too mention open toe booties are a dime a dozen these days so even if shit hits the fan during this "project," I can always get another pair (that's of course how I justified this to myself).
Since I had the boots, all I needed was a few ingredients from the craft store. I didn't want to invest in or botch suede, so I decided to use felt because it holds a form in the same way. However, they only had black, green, navy, and white. So I got gold glitter to match with the navy because I love that color combo.
Let's get cookin good lookin':
 Frying pan of glitter (duh) $3, Tacky Glue $2,  Mossimo Booties from 2009 ($25), Yard of Navy Blue Felt ($2), Scissors
mmm tastes like chicken
I used a paint brush to coat the shoes with tacky glue. Then covered them in glitter.
This is the point where I started thinking- $%&! I hope this works.
Not too shabby
I repeated the process for the second shoe, and I had me a pair of golden slippers!
Wrapping the shoe was definitely the hardest part- I wish I had step-by-step pictures but there really was no method to the madness.
But for only $37 worth of materials and only 2 hours of labor- I'm pretty pleased!

"He who stops being better stops being good."-Oliver Cromwell