September 27, 2011

The Biggest Loser

Hi Friends,
It's me- Desperado. I'm outside of your window in a trench coat, holding a radio over my head, begging for you. Begging for vote for meee in a little Rent The Runway contest on the one, the only- Facebook. I'm a big fan of RTR- it's the means by which I am able to rock a $1200 dress like it ain't no thang. So when I saw that they have weekly contests where you can submit a picture wearing one of their dresses I thought perhaps I shall do so. I've rented half a dozen dresses from the site and sent in pictures of me in all of them, and this week I got a congratulatory email saying that they chose a picture of me in the Tibi Calla Dress
as nominee for this week's Style Star and a MILLION DOLLAR GRAND PRIZE!! JK JK, but the winner gets a spot on their blog, and becomes their Facebook page profile picture for the week. I just did it for fun not even knowing if I'd get a response but now that I've been "nominated," I really wanna win. I never win anything - ever! Not even gold fish at a carnival. The toothless carnie usually feels bad for me after I've used 70 tickets trying to toss the damn ring around a glass bottle and just hands me the plastic bag so I that stop embarrassing myself in front of all the 7 year old boys who got it one shot.
So if you have a moment to spare while you're online stalking your x-boyfriend's x-girlfriend's brother's new girlfriend I'd really be grateful if you clicked this link and then "Liked" the picture. If you're not already a fan of RTR then you just have to give them a thumbs up first.
I am one of 5 nominees, so please feel free to check out their pictures as well, and if you feel like they deserve to win- by all means give them your vote. I mean, I'll never talk to you again, but yea go for it. No seriously, I want to be a good sport.

The voting is open until Thursday and the winner will be announced on Friday. Fingers crossed!
If you are kind enough to vote- thank you so much for putting me one step closer to not being the biggest loser.
- Bethany

"Don't keep a man guessing too long. He's sure to find the answer somewhere else." -Mae West

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