But to every thing there is a season, and this season things are gonna change. (Or however that quote goes)
The Lisa Loeb's had a good run . . .

The Nerdy Readers came and went . . .

But now, ladies and gentleman...Sally Jessy Raphael is back in the building!

These babies actually hold sentimental value to me, because these exact frames were a part of my very first memory from my life, EVER. I swear! On my second birthday, April 28th 1987- I vividly remember scooting down the steps on my bottom in footed pajamas when my mom came walking upstairs with the legit RED Sally Jessy's (complete with a bad perm, sorry Cindy) and said "Bethany, you're 2 today!," and handed me a pack of "days of the week" underpants. I suppose she was insinuating that it was time to skip town on the Huggies....but nevertheless, I n e v e r forgot those red glasses! And by the grace of UPS, soon I shall be donning mine. Isn't it wonderful how everything comes full circle?
But wait, there's more! As it turns out, Hogwart's was not just a place for little Warlock tweens to make-out under their invisible capes- it was a fashion house! Or it should've been, because in Spring 2011 it's all about the ill Harry Potter's! Well, maybe it won't be ALL about them, but I will sure have a pair. I've been keeping tabs on round sunglasses (like the ones in my post below) but I figured if I want to look like a son-of-a-witch during the day, then I might as well get a pair that I can wear at night. Hermione, you got nothin on me girl....

To close this post with a tad of normalcy, I would like to point out that this pair of sunglasses are also cute. THE END.
Ray-Ban Retro Cat Sunglasses $135

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness." - Mark Twain
My love for fake readers began in middle school as well, I would like to thank Claire's for making that possible.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a good writer, seriously! My new favorite blog bc you are such an entertaining writer! Love you in glasses, would love you in the Sally Jessy's and the Harry Potters, basically love you in all fashions bc you and Heather are the only ones who call pull off ANYTHING
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that story with the world. And btw, I think I still have those glasses....should I start wearing them again? Just checking.
ReplyDeleteThanks Amanda, i know my grammar and punctuation is awful but my head moves way more quickly than my hands. You def motivated me to do this!
ReplyDeleteMom- where are the glasses!! Please stick them in the mail!!
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